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What to eat and avoid if you have sinusitis



A balanced diet helps fortify the immune system and reduces inflammation in tissues. Image: Pixabay.com

Sinusitis is charactetrised by headaches, stuffy nose and blocked sinuses and the symptoms continues to persist on a routine basis due to inflamed sinuses. Those suffering from chronic sinusitis as well as a bout of the infection require medication to control their symptoms and help reduce the pressure commonly experienced along the nasal passage, head and throat. Apart from medication, certain remedies like steam bath, moderate exercise like brisk walking are also recommended to promote respiratory and circulatory health. Diet too, can help manage the ailment and reduce certain symptoms.

Those suffering from acute symptoms must switch to a liquid diet, especially in case of fever. Once fever subsides, a low calorie diet with plenty of raw fruits and veggies is ideal.

Most persons suffering from sinusitis complain of acidity. The diet should be more alkaline with reduced salt intake. Excess salt in diet leads to water retention in tissues and could lead to a loss of calcium in the body.

Reduce processed, complex carbs and excess meat-based proteins from the diet. A well-balanced diet is far better for overall wellness and will help strengthen the immune system to combat the symptoms effectively.

Excess consumption of dairy products must be avoided as these are associated with underlying allergies or intolerance that could trigger chronic sinusitis.


Limit your coffee intake, the caffeine can weaken the adrenal glands. Image: Pixabay.com

Excess consumption of caffeinated foods like coffee and tea must be avoided as it weakens the adrenal glands and can worsen the inflammation.

An increased intake of calcium helps, as the mineral is effective in healing inflamed tissues. It would help to make leafy greens and legumes must be a part of your regular diet.

Avoid all kinds of processed or refined sugars must be avoided as the body cannot break these down effectively. Use honey as a sweetener instead of regular sugar.

Turmeric contains curcumin which helps reduce infections and helps fortify the immune cells.


Vitamin A rich foods like tomatoes help rebuild healthy mucuous membrane in head and throat. Image: Pixabay.com

Vitamin A rich foods are the best way to manage symptoms of sinusitis. The vitamin helps in the formation of healthy mucuous membrane in the head and throat. Carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and tropical fruits like papaya are excellent sources of vitamin A.

Foods made from refined flour like breads, pizzas, pastas, processed snacks must be avoided.

Consume omega 3-fatty acid rich foods to help decrease inflammation of tissues. Include walnuts, eggs, fish like tuna, sardine, mackerel in your diet.